By Banji Ayoola
When Jesus became convinced that He would soon be forced out of the flesh, He started speaking of Another Envoy to be sent by His Father.
This is the Comforter Who is also the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, the Son of Man, and the Third Arm of the Holy Trinity.
Among others, the Coming One will continue, complete, and consolidate the Mission of Jesus, Which was truncated by His sudden and unplanned Departure from the earth.
As specified by the Lord Himself, the Coming One will:
- remind us of all that He, Jesus has ever taught us;
- reprove the world of sin and righteousness;
- lead into all truths; and
- bring the Judgment.
These imply that the Coming One will bring enlightenment, and correct all the erroneous interpretations or distortions of the Words of Christ.
Sadly, these have prevailed as the gospel truth since Christ left the earth. They caused the violent disputations, chaos, confusion, and crises prevailing virtually everywhere today.
Chaos, confusion, and crises that are escalating and worsening everywhere on earth today; grip all human beings both rich and poor, old and young.
Based on these, many human beings have been, and are still being killed in their thousands.
Based on these, the presumed servants of the Almighty Father have in history, permitted the use of poison and dagger to kill innocent human beings, who dared to think aright as ordained in the Will of their Creator.
Based on these, the majority of mankind on earth have allowed themselves to be diverted from the only true path, away from seeking and striving to serve only the Will of the Almighty Father.
Based on these, today on earth, sadly, we live in desperate times.
Violence, killings, murders, bloodshed, plane crashes, road crashes, bloody communal conflicts, insurgency, riots, natural disasters, earthquakes, flood, and the likes, are ravaging everywhere.
In an astounding frequency that had never been witnessed on earth.
Strange diseases defying all known cures afflict mankind everywhere on earth.
Chaos, confusion and crises that no human being, or earthly power, however seemingly powerful, can resolve.
All human efforts across the globe to find solutions are futile, hopeless and helpless; as confirmed by the numerous unending conferences and their reports.
To continue